Making the Pack Go

My kids hear ‘take out the trash’ and I hear ‘pay the bills’ and other tasks when running a household.  Running a Cub Scout Pack has some tasks that occur unacknowledged and need to be done or we don’t have a great Pack.   The most important task in the Pack is the Committee Chair, not a Den Leader or Cub Scout Master (as a Cub Scout Master is all hot air at a Pack meeting 🙂 .

Our Committee Chair has been instrumental in running the committee meetings and working with our Treasurer on next year’s budget.  For instance, for four years our pack has held dues flat at $90 while fundraising has reduced and expenses have increased. This is resulting in our need to generate more income in the next pack financial year to keep the pack solvent. The quality of Cub Scouts programing depends on the participation of the Scout parents. Our pack is lucky to have great volunteers and while we have most spots filled for this year there are a few where we could really use some assistance.  Here’s a detailed description of all volunteering opportunities.

The committee always needs more parents to help out and to help figure out how to keep the pack solvent.   If interested in helping, our Committee Chair, Verlyn Fischer, would be very interested in your assistance.

Now back to the rest of the story… our Committee Chair is helping to lead the pack towards its goals creating a direction that assists Den Leaders and the Cub Scout Masters in providing quality programming.  Without our Committee Chair we could not be as well organized as we are now.

Pack 340 would like to thank Verlyn for all he is doing as our Committee Chair.

– Crusty Cub Master Doug

From Popcorn to Pine Wood Derby

We are finishing up our Popcorn sales effort. For the many hours Joe and Summer Duran put in sorting, storing, inventorying, tracking sales, and interfacing with the pack – a very big “Pack 340 Thank You” is in order for them being our Popcorn Colonels this year.

Pack 340 raised over $1,600 for Pack 340 and over $2,000 for the Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council in sales and donations – all in part to the Scouts, Parents and our Popcorn Colonels.

Part of the funds raised will support our January Pine Wood Derby, with cars (kits) to be distributed at the December pack meeting. The Pine Wood Derby is a great time for the Scouts and Parents to work on some bonding while building a great race car.

So, “Thank You” to all for supporting our fundraising.. let’s enjoy the rest of this scouting year.

– Cub Master Doug

Parent Volunteer of the Month – Joe Duran

It is difficult pushing Popcorn fundraising at the start of the Scouting year but on the positive it builds the interactions and confidence of the scouts and allows for funding of the Pack during the year.

To help us sell we have a new Popcorn Colonel, Joe Duran, to inspire others in the selling of the corn!  Many thanks Joe!

We have sold over $3,800 in popcorn over two weekends. Great job scouts! Those that sold on site will get credit for the amounts sold! Remember we have fabulous prizes for the scouts as they sell more corn. Further, the den that sells the most, averaged per scout, will get a den pizza party!

The den leaders will be handing out the Scout take orders forms at the den meetings. Going forward we will have ‘show and sell’ pick up where as you can check out some corn and walk your neighborhood selling corn. Look for an email on this shortly.


Cub Master Doug